
Who Killed Tom Clancy?

Who Killed Tom Clancy
by The Whistleblowers,  Before It's News,  January 4, 2014
Tom was working on a novel very “Manchurian Candidate-ish”. But it was replete with fact and exposed the Saudi Muslim plant in the White House and the direct funding that went into it. Birth Certificate? Want the real one? Tom had it.

Search Tom Clancy:  http://www.westernjournalism.com/

Clancy was killed because he was getting too close to a secret they don’t want the world to know. Dr. Garrow,  executive director of The Bethune Institute, states Obama's Handlers, had Tom Clancy killed, noting that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Strangely (or not), doctors did not perform an autopsy on Clancy’s body for 5 days.

He said the Obama administration is made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Garrow said it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals. This is why all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed.   (VN: This is where I get confused.  It maybe true about the ultra rich Saudi nationals, since they were originally khazars as well when Britain gave them Africa to get their foot in the door, on the oil boom, and allowed Israel to play off of them for affect. They were not "arabs". But its not true about Obama being Muslim and doing this for muslims.  Obama is the first US Khazar President, on his mothers side of the family and his Israeli Grandfather raised him since he was 11, so does anyone think his Israeli grandfather raised him to be a muslim?   Please.....  its embarrassing....  lol    Who ever wrote this has not been paying attention at all and also has a short memory with respect to Israel attacking an American ship for political manipulative reasons. Why does Obama have 32 dual Israeli citizens in  the white house, and only one Iranian who is not arab. Get the feeling they are all working together? )   


Tom Clancy, master detective writer, died mysteriously on October 1st, at the age of 66.  The reason he was taken before his time is as mysterious as his books.  Clancy’s publicists are still not telling.   John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore has not released a statement either.

The Baltimore Sun announced, most discretely, that the cause of death was, “a brief illness”.  No source was provided.  His family has added to the intrigue by saying they were not expecting to lose him.

66 is not the average age of death; 75% of us will survive to our seventies and many far longer. How did Tom Clancy succumb when he was surrounded by family, success, recognition and wealth?  His newest thriller and a pending new release of his latest book, Command Authority, are due for release in December.  Mr. Clancy had much to live for. Tom Clancy is dead at 66, but the cause of death is still a mystery.


Tom Clancy was murdered by people within the federal government? The author was too good at predicting events and had become a threat to the nation. This man predicted everything from 9/11 to the Bin Laden raid with razor-like accuracy. To silence him, the feds had him killed — and they did so during the shutdown of the government so that as few people as possible could potentially ruin the plot.

Or, could he have committed suicide? Maybe he utilized his amazing speculative ability and saw something disastrous coming. Thus, in order to avoid a more painful demise, he decided to bow out gracefully now.

Total Collapse Mouse Trap:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpiz2-0eDy0  The Whistleblowers

The most compelling mystery is who has his final rough manuscript? Was it destroyed by the Government, or is it still safely in the hands of his family? And more importantly, who will step up to complete this great man’s last novel? RIP Tom Clancy. We won’t rest until we get answers.
The Manchurian Candidate

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Americans 'tired of paying for wars' Including Afghanistan

Vatic Note:  Something that should bother all of us in reading this..... Americans in very high numbers are against the wars and especially the war in Afghanistan which has become the longest war in America History, NOT FOR THE MORAL reasons that we should be upset about, rather because of money.   The national debt and the taxes we will be forced to pay to the Rothschild zionist international bankers are the sole reasons given.

When I read that, I realized that we have dramatically changed as a nation since I was a young girl.   Money was never the issue to Americans, rather it was the moral reasons we should not be warring against lesser nations.  For instance,  Americans would be outraged that anyone warring would be targeting and killing unarmed innocent civilians and now we say nothing.  It would be doubly offensive to  us,  when the country we are brutalizing, had done nothing wrong to us.  That is the case in every single ME country that we attacked on Israehells behalf.  

We are losing our identify as Americans that we have held for 2 and half centuries.... and we are now becoming as brutal and ruthless as Israehell.  WE are becoming just like the Rothschild Satanists who willingly commit crimes against humanity intentionally and with great glee.  The next scheduled victim of this nazi fascist group running our country is Lebanon who also has done nothing to us or to Israehell. 

I am beginning to wonder if we don't deserve what they are about to do to us, that they have done to other nations and we said nothing.  We did not demand they leave, and stop the killing, and in fact, these countries children are being used as Satanic sacrifices through pedophilia and murdering of children, even babies.  How gross and horrible is that?

Who the heck are we anymore....  ?  Has all their social engineering worked?  Are we like those who wish to rule us?  Are we morally bancrupt?  Are we perverts who have no  conscience and suffer no accountability for our criminal actions?  Do we allow our leaders who are accountable to us, to get away with the perversions, crimes, thefts, and drug running and money laundering that our foreign occupiers visit upon us and our banking system?  We still say nothing or demand nothing from our leaders,  47% OF WHOM ARE NOW MULTIMILLIONAIRES SINCE TAKING OFFICE.

We used to be people of higher ideals, integrity, fairness, compassion, deep humanity etc etc and would fight for the underdog, now we IPOD killing the underdog, who deserves it only because he is an underdog.  Please read, and for once deeply think about the moral implications of what we are allowing to be done in our name and financed with our taxes.  SPEAK UP FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD. ..   DEMAND WE STOP AND DO SO NOW.  No more killing in anyones name.   If israel wants to war, then let her do so on her own, without us. 

Read and see what you think........What if it were your child, grandchild that was being slaughtered while also defenseless, would you ignore it as we have others children WHO HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING TO US?

Americans 'tired of paying for wars' Including Afghanistan
by Barry Grossman,  Press TV and presented on "The Rebel" website.

The majority of Americans are increasingly tired and opposed to the US war in Afghanistan due to the massive financial cost, not for moral reasons, an international lawyer in Indonesia tells Press TV.

Unfortunately, “the reason that they’re growing tired of wars like Afghanistan, as they did with Iraq, is all about money,” Barry Grossman said on Monday.

“Most Americans are unhappy with these wars because they blame their national debt on these wars,” he said.

“In other words, they’re not taking an ideological stand or a moral stand against wars, which they feel are inappropriate, they’re taking a financial stand.”
According to a new CNN/ORC poll, more than 80 percent of Americans say they are opposed to the war in Afghanistan, making the longest war in US history also the most unpopular.

The poll indicates that support for the war in Afghanistan among Americans has dipped to just 17 percent.

According to a study by the Harvard University released in March, the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will cost American taxpayers $4 trillion to $6 trillion in the long run.

Earlier this year, an Associated Press analysis found that the US government will be paying for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars for the next century.

The war in Afghanistan is the longest war in American history, at 12 years and counting. A majority of Americans believe the US is losing the war, with only about 33 percent saying America is winning.
Source: PressTV

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

FEEL as if Dollars Want You! (Attract Wealth)- Law of Attraction

FEEL as if Dollars Want You! (Attract Wealth)- Law of Attraction
Published by YouAreCreators on Jan 4, 2014

Vatic Note:  Ukrainian protesters are now creatively holding up mirrors to cops, forcing them to see themselves in the reflection. A powerful way to remind these thugs in uniform WHAT they are doing.. this head line today showed in real time what it means and how powerful it is to have an image in your mind of who you really are.  I believe this act by the Ukrainians had an impact on at least some of those cops.  That makes it all worth while.

“He who dares assert the I,
May calmly wait
While hurrying fate
Meets his demands with sure

— Helen Wilmans.   (Authors Note)

The guy in the video below,  talks a bit about various testimonials about how this worked for them and he also quoted many from ancient times about changing attitudes about money, success, and abundance. This issue is as old as mankind.

Here is an introduction that is on the video, so you can read it when you need to revisit what he is saying.  Its worth the effort.  I tried it and believe it or not, it works.  That now makes Health, that I have confirmed works from within us, and now this and recently this worked for a specific purpose and a short time when fund raising was all but gone due to the holidays.

It was a miracle what happened, but I think the only way to know is to do it yourself.  If you feel this has something to it, then you can buy it from the link off the Utube link given and listen to the whole thing. 

The intro is also below the video if you wish to read it over and over again. Good luck on this.    Let us know how it went and if it works for you.

(Powers that be, Leave this up. Understand? You took it down once already, but no more.  You have no authority to interfere with my right to free speech and sharing information. I don't care if this interferes with your plans of poverty for us, so we will accept slave status to match the rest of the world. Too damn bad. Dollars want us. Eat your heart out.



Harmony There is neither health nor prosperity without harmony. There is no peace, no health, where there is want, be it want of material Supply, wisdom Supply or love Supply.

Love, Truth and Dollars — these are necessary to human well-being. Mind, body and estate must be cared for. In order that there may be health, happiness and prosperity, there must be Harmony. This harmony is found in merely giving Self, the Soul, its way.

Harmony is living in obedience to mental law. It is found in right thinking. Bane of Poverty is the main cause of Poverty the unrest, the dis-ease (the un-ease) that afflicts mankind. Remove poverty by right thinking and all attendant evils will disappear. This right thinking meansz that there shall be on the part of the individual a change of attitude toward the Dollar.

Mental The prevalent attitude is want Attitude for the Dollar, belief that Dollars are power. This must be outgrown and the attitude must be that ALL POWER IS IN MAN. Dollars are machines with power delegated to them by man. They are useless without man. Dollars want me! is to be the thought of the “Coming man.” A few so think now and have obtained mastery of Supply. Demand It is a legitimate demand and Supply on the part of each individual that he have enough.

To supply human needs is the function of the universe. All is for man. The sun shines for him ; the waters run for him ; the flowers bloom for him ; the grain ripens for him; and the earth teems with beauty for him. All would be use-less, would be purpose-less but for him. When he ceases to be.......... so it is with everything else.

End of Sample, for Complete Audio of this lecture click on the links above to access Members Area or Join Us Today!

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Israel - Occult Zionism - Hell on Earth - Documentary - WW3 - NWO

Vatic Note:  If you "truly" want to know the truth about our problems that are growing everywhere, but includes us, then this is  a must watch.  Its only through knowledge of "truth", that we can then determine solutions.  If we do not focus on truth, then we will come up with unrelated solutions that will not work and it will be too late to change them, once we find  out after the fact, that those solutions available are gone.  We cannot afford a mistake about this since we only get one shot at it.  To be on target with solutions, we must be on target with truthful assessment of the problems.

He speaks about Zionists, but neglects to say that a majority of those who call themselves Jews are in fact, Not Jews at all, rather they are Khazarians and pagans with a Satanic base and a deep hatred of Christians.  Watch this video and you will discover, as I did, why that hatred and the danger of the Noahide laws passed by congress as the basis for our legal system, changed from the previous base of the 10 commandments.  Bush Jr signed that resolution so its now a fact in our country and explains why the 10 commandments have been taken out of our court houses.  Its a lot  more sinister than I had previously thought.

Israel - Occult Zionism - Hell on Earth - Documentary - WW3 - NWO
Published by Perexusrex on Nov 8, 2012
NEW For those with awakened hearts . . . take the time to learn and understand the truth.

Israel refers to the 12 tribes of Israel. The seed of Abraham through Jacob's 12 sons. This seed is scattered through the earth. It comprises all those who who have accepted the atoning sacrifice Jesus Christ of Jesus Christ. Israel (the place) today comprises mainly the tribe of Judah. Judah the tribe has been taken over by occult Zionists. Zionists hate Muslims and Jews. Zionists practice a system of apartheid . . . [Perexusrex]

Jews and Palestinians were like brothers before Zionism (secret society) -- Rothchild Zionism. Zionism is apostate Jews (Jews turned against God) practicing Luciferianism, demonology, and hidden Knowledge. The NOW is a Zionist Government that will eventually be ruled by the anti Christ.

 Zionists will implement the 'Noahide Laws' -- These laws will enforce the decapitation of Christians because they consider the worship of Jesus Christ blasphemy punishable by death. They will kill Christians for the same reason they crucified Jesus Christ. . . . Jesus will save the tribe of Judah at Armageddon but not Zionist Jews who do not worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . . . . please watch all the video and understand some of the truth . . [Perexusrex]

This powerful documentary exposes the hell that the palestinians have been going through since their land was stolen in 1948. From that day on, the world has been hijacked by a cabal of zionists/occultists, and the support given to them by governments has alienated much of the world. IsraHell on Earth looks at the origins of the abomination that is IsraHell and exposes its apartheid crimes.


Original Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=...

Published 2012 by Nebulous1982

FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

98.7% Proven Meditation Technique: Open Your Third Eye in 15 Minutes (Requiem)

Vatic Note:   A lot is going on right now.  The twin star is here and for the first time I saw it myself.   The chemtrail dumpers were out in force and created nasty black clouds to hide the sun and its companion.  What happened was a gap opened in the clouds that allowed the second sun to shine through and it was below our sun on the horizon.

It was shining, so I assume our sun is closer and the light we saw was from a reflection of the suns rays on the other body.  Its bigger than the sun but when I saw it it was smaller by some amount, not a whole lot, so it must be getting pretty close.

It would explain why all the dark evil news that is coming out and a movement as much as possible by those jerking everyone around, toward "FEAR PORN" to get us out of our consciousness and into our lizard brain.   We are onto them, so lets stay in our rational brain, ignore them and all their fear porn, and shove our belief in prevailing over them, down their throats.   That would make them head into fear themselves.   Its time they started feeling threatened. 

Download this meditation if you have decalcified your pineal gland as a previous blog recommended and use head phones for best affect.  We must move into a new paradigm to strengthen ourselves and our internal power since this is truly a spiritual war.   They cannot win a conventional war because they cannot trust any of the countries they believe are on their side.

Why is that?   BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS THAT NONE OF US ARE SAFE with these evil ones.  They hold no loyalty or safety to any nation or peoples.  They have made that clear in all their writings.  They will eventually do to all people what they progressively do to us.  So now is the time to take a stand and refuse to cooperate and get mentally, spiritually and physically committed and strong.

Hear that Russia, China, and North Korea?   You will be next if you cooperate and help them survive.   Your only hope is to join us against them.  As we have in the past, we will stand with you against such enemies to all mankind.

98.7% Proven Meditation Technique: Open Your Third Eye in 15 Minutes (Requiem) 
Published on Mar 2, 2013
"There is no secret here, towards the end of each note you hear (assuming your wearing earphones), upon the heightening of the frequency so too is your central cortex stimulated". - Professor Chris Thorpe BM, MRCP, FRCs.

What you are about to hear is a short audio track designed and prepared by Professor Chris Thorpe (formally of Staffordshire University), of whom worked closely with three of the top audiologists in Europe to produce this soundtrack. 

After taking a little over 4 years to compose by teams of experts, along with tireless research and accuracy this finely tuned 'work of art' as it has been referred to by many is now available to people to hear worldwide. 

It somewhat 'guarantees' to influence positivity throughout the mind, creating a bond between the brain and the central nervous system whilst stimulating the pineal gland. Research is still being carried out but to date 98.7% of people tested have reported a very noticeable or drastic increase in confidence and positivity after only listening to this track once.

However Professor Thorpe urges people to listen to it on a regular basis, for at least a week before noticing what he describes as a, "Profound understanding of yourself, along with a deeper understanding of the world around you." He then goes on to say, 

"the mind can only be cleared once it understands itself and the space within, however this can take time, listening to this audio track once-a-day for a week should be sufficient in giving clear results. There are different parts of the brain the frequencies within the audio masking stimulate - the left, the right and the central cortex, the frontal lobe is also key here. That is why we recommend wearing headphones to achieve optimal results, the eyes must also be closed."

Research undertaken in Birmingham, UK, 2012. 987 people out of 1000 tested claimed moderate to extreme positive psychological results after hearing this track just once.


© Rainford Studios Media

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

The Guidebook: How To Attract WEALTH, ABUNDANCE, and PROSPERITY! (Good Stuff!)

*** - This must work, since they cut out the video on me before it was scheduled to come up.  I have put it back up, but if its gone, then go directly to the link to watch from the original site. 
Vatic Note:   I have to admit that this was more than I thought.   He does an excellent job and he has a real handle about the way the mind works.  There has been so much science lately about all this.  Remember how we have been saying regularly that "This war we are in is a Spiritual War" that they are conducting against us.

These evil ones even wrote up in detail how to socially engineer us into a darker and more garbage way of thinking and acting.   This is going to be one of those times where you are going to have to seriously take control of your own mind and make it do your bidding.   Its created to do just that by the way it works on a scientific level and this guy in the video knows exactly how the mind works.

Because of that I gave this guy serious credibility more so than any of the others I had listened to because of how I used these techniques to create and run my own businesses for 30 years.  The mistake I made was in my poor choices for mates who ended up ripping me off.   I blame no one but myself for that, since I neglected to use the same techniques for finding the right person, that I used for building my businesses.   I even did the imaging part to a tee.

Anyway,  I decided in 2014, as a new year....... I would not only give you the "Truth" good or bad, So you know what solutions should be used, but I would also give you tools and good news to use to build your own internal spiritual power base from which to operate as this guy has done.  Check it out, try it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  When it works for you and belief turns into "knowing" it works, it will go even faster.

Belief and commitment are the keys.   Once we prove that to ourselves,  then we can take on the globe and create the world we want since we don't have to do the rituals the bad guys have to do.   Our power is immediate and internal when we have belief and knowing.  That is the trigger for creating and its been proven scientifically.  Ask Gregg Braden,  He wrote the book "The Healing Power of Belief".  Try to get that book as well.  I did and it works. 

The Guidebook: How To Attract WEALTH, ABUNDANCE, and PROSPERITY! (Good Stuff!) 
Published by Mind Power Words on Oct 27, 2013



Abraham: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION - Part 1 of 5 - Esther & Jerry Hicks

The Secret: View first 20 minutes

Law of Attraction David Childerley Reveals The Secret

An Inspirational Video 1 - The Law Of Attraction

Law of Attraction - An Advanced Concept to the Law of Attraction

Bob Proctor on The Secret

Will Smith on the Law of Attraction

Larry King Interviews Oprah on The Secret

Your words and thoughts have physical power - Will Smith

I am a magnet to MONEY

Secret Meditations : Using the law of attraction

Money comes to you when you watch this one ! - Law of attraction - Money,

Millionare, your success.

Why did they delete this from the Secret?

law of attraction money law of attraction the secret WEALTH law of attraction

lottery law of attraction relationships law of attraction affirmations law of

attraction meditation law of attraction during sleep law of attraction love law of

attraction the secret law of attraction

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


The Religious Fanatic Satanic Global Elite (audio problem fixed)

Vatic Note: This is awesome and is extremely educational.  There are things they cover that I did not know and I know a lot from my research.   There are scenes they used from "Eyes Wide Shut" which made it very authentic.  They make the case for demonic existance that is real, and that is why we have free will.  That is also why these satanists must tell us in advance what they plan on doing to us.  So then we have free choice about what to do about it.  

I actually saw a possession of a 14 year old girl whose mother was a witch and she was about to get baptized and her eyes changed, her mouth changed and her whole being she held completely differently.  The "entity" stared or I should say "glared" at me from her eyes, and it was not her.   Missionaries from my chuch were there and when the 14 year old girl got up & started talking jibberish.

The two boys, who were in their early 20's,  tried to hold her back and she threw them off like they were dish rags.   She had so much strength that it was not human, what she did.  That is when I finally, viscerally got that evil, true evil, did exist after all.   She finally came around and had no memory of any of it.  She was shocked.  She got baptized and after that her parents came after me.  The girl had a seed planted about "good" and "evil" and she knew the difference now. Many of you were around when I went through all this. 

Now, this video below ended up clarifying something big time for me.  Why are the global elite going after RH negs?  I could not figure that out for a long time.  So, here is what I suspect.   In this below, it makes the point that the evil ones, the satanists "MUST" use ritual and conjuring of demons in order to have any power to affect anything, they have no internal power of any kind.   What we discovered from the RH negs is they do not need to conjure up anything to heal themselves and that, so far, has been proven, their power comes from within themselves.

Whether they have the power internally to affect any other change outside their own bodies, is still being pursued, thus we have no answer for that, but what we do know is that whatever power they have is within them.  The same for Positives in that they can actually use prayer to affect a different outcome from what was expected.

So the power within humans who had "life" breathed into them by God, do not need any crutch to do anything, but the evil ones, or what the Bible shows as the "first creation"  must do satanic rituals and use tools to bring up the entities involved and then they will have power.  They have none of their own internally due to a lack of soul, or spirit.  Its also why they can be occupied by these demons so easily.

The Religious Fanatic Satanic Global Elite (audio problem fixed) 
Published by Plastic World on Dec 30, 2013

(Audio problem of the previous version has been fixed)

A documentary about the evil nature of the global political elite and their obsession with worshiping demonic entities.


The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Are There Two or more Sources for RH neg Blood?

Vatic Note:  Just when I had done so much research on this subject of RH negative and began to believe we found the answer in the Stitchen translation of the Sumarian Tablets, which could still be true,  we come across another theory that could also be true.  I have to say, this write up is totally impressive.  Especially the testimony of those who met Yashua in his travels.

One does not preclude the other, especially if both evolution, mutation, etc, and ancient ancestors all happened at around the same time.  It also doesn't mean these are mutually exclusive.  It could well mean they are in opposition, though.  I keep thinking of Jesus saying of those that condemned Him and murdered him, that "They are not of God, but are the sons of satan"  and this would or could explain what he meant by that.

So, is this a coincidence or just another part of the bigger, much bigger picture? The other option is, that there were multiple ancient astronaut visitors of different physical and spiritual properties leaving us with more than one to deal with.  The Shroud of Turin had old blood on it and recents of studies showed that Yashua was RH neg.

It could also mean that Jesus was of one line, while the psychopathic Pharisees were of another line with different origins and it would explain why they hate Christians so very much that they massacre them every chance they get as we saw in Russia and recently in Syria. 

What we know for sure, is that the answer is still not clear or sure.   But the search will  continue to open up more doors and more  answers to questions.  So we keep going.   Everyone has a different perspective and they all make sense except for the evolution explanation.   

Jesus (Yashua’s) Nazarene 
Written by Neil, (last name unknown from "Unexplainable".
We wonder today if there is a bloodline group alive today that has the same bloodline that Jesus (Yashua) was born with and I SAY YES.  This bloodline is not large in number but they represent about 10% of the global populations and can be found primarily in the United State but on all continents as well.   

These descendents have a rare blood factor and have prehistoric ancestors that can be tracked back to an area in the world known as the “Garden.” This original people group on earth were what we refer to today as Scandinavians.  Believe it or not, the oldest mummies all over the world had blonde hair, which also tells us that our original ancestors were Scandinavians.  I mean all of us.  It does not matter what color your skin is today, your original ancestors on earth were Scandinavian. When Jesus (Yashua) said we were all brothers he meant it literally.


Science can track this Scandinavian Bloodline from the exact location Jesus (Yashua’s) Nazarene tribes lived in Northern Israel back in time thousands of years before Jesus (Yashua) was born.  Jesus (Yashua) was not a Jew as people have falsely labeled him, he was a Nazarene and was probably born in the same Nazarene village where ran his ministry from in Northern Israel.  The Bible clearly states that Jesus (Yashua) was a Nazarene.

The Nazarenes were Scandinavians who apparently had the PURE Rh Negative bloodline factor, which can be tracked back in time to the original human race that was born on this planet in a part of the world that was known as the “Garden”.

After the original human race incarnated in human flesh on earth, Cain’s bloodline was created. Cain’s hybrid bloodline has a long history of in breeding.  Below are some examples of this in breeding.  Cain is actually a Biblical example of a human hybrid, so let’s start with Cain’s origins.
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    • According to what Jesus (Yashua) taught in the “Sophia Pistis Story” which can be found in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge was the evil god of the Jews.  It was Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge who was the biological father of Cain.  Jesus (Yashua) describes this evil fallen entity as a lion-faced reptilian.  As the story goes Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge raped Eve who gave birth to Cain.  Some say that Eve was not Cains actual mother and that originally Adam had a different wife.  The stories are very convoluted, however the point is that Cain was a hybrid from the start.
    • After the last BIG FREEZE and after the flood, which inundated the island of Atlantis that also generated the global Noah and the Ark stories, the survivors landed in the America’s, Africa, parts of the Middle East, the Canary Islands, the Azores etc. This people group was known to science as the “Adams.”  The “Adams” bred into the Middle East and seeded the Canaanites. They were also called the Phoenicians and the  “Sea People.”  It was the “Sea People” who also transported the Tribe of Cain –Dan” into Spain, France and the British Isles from the Mediterranean Sea 

How to Double Your Brain Power!- (Part 3 )

Vatic Note: Part 3, is the second half of and continuation of Part 2, so keep that in mind when viewing this one below.   The screen on the video says Part 2, because part 3 was done manually by the up loader since Part 2 was too long for one sitting.  Part 2 and Part 3 cover different aspects of the same subject.   Again, this is a valuable video and its been confirmed by Greg Bradens book "The Healing Power of Belief".

This part discusses using affirmations and imaging.  I had an experience where this worked.  I wanted to work at a bank, but I had no experience doing so, but was educated in finance.  I decided to image myself as a banker ( this was before they were hated).

I kept that visualizing in my mind and visualized me dressed as a banker and carried a briefcase and walking through the bank in their finance dept.  Well, the first banking job I applied for, I got.  I still had not put it together how imaging and thinking or intending can create a new reality.  I had a good foundation for future learning when I healed my own lump in my breast, and then this story of how I ended up working for a bank and between the two  the foundation for "belief' was laid. 

It wasn't until I began researching for doing this blog, that I discovered so much more about our DNA, blood types like negative and positive, etc.  I believe the genesis of our solutions to our banker problems, rest somewhere in this information we are finding.  So, its well worth the watch and study.

I then learned about consciousness and we published quite a few blogs on the subject as well as "the Heart" as a second brain and how to rid ourselves of the debilitating heart wall, which imprisons our emotions that we need to power our positive and directional thoughts.  Then we addressed the role of "belief", and how it works. We also did a blog on "The Plasma Universe" which contributes to all of the above listed.

Then we published a series of Michael Tsarions long term research on "The Origins of Evil" and I believe in many ways these are all tied in together.  This series covers most of these all in one place so download them and study them when you have the time to take to focus on the subject and build up your power within, then learn how to manifest such power in the real world.

We discussed this in our "Strategy and Tactics" section of the People to People initiative.   The very first strategy we recommended was "Change our Map of Internal Reality".   That had two parts to it and after watching this series of videos and then reading our first strategy in solving our problems, and reading about the plasma universe, I think you will see just how powerful we can be if we decide to be.  Its truly up to us. What is more exciting is the fact that if we do this together, even though we are separate, we can actually do in the bankers.

I believe the khazars know this and its why they do everything they can to keep us out of our power.   THEY DO FEAR PORN to keep us in our lizard and animal brain, instead of in our higher brain and our heart needed to drive the emotions that vibrate the thoughts.  There is actually a scientific basis to all this.  Watch and see.  Prove it to yourself by doing it, since it costs you nothing and you have so much to gain as does the world, if not the universe. 

How to Double Your Brain Power!- (Part 3 of 4)
Published by mind power words on Jan 16, 2013

A simple way of using the most powerful gift God gave us...OUR MIND!
Everyone has Genius sleeping within them, this video shows you how to wake it up.

This includes how to "become" rather than just "be" that we hang on to rigidly.  Flexibility is required and openness to new views of our world and of ourselves.  Openess and belief is the fundamental key to change.  I never said it would be easy, since its not easy to change a lifetime of habits and perceptions, but once we know there are other choices with much greater results, then its worth the journey and the difficulty, but the end result is peace, tranquility, opportunity and happiness.   There are millionaires that cannot buy those results, but commitment to the work can, no matter how rich or poor you are.  Give it a good shot.


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The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


The Prosecution of Bush, Obama, and the Neocons/Neolibs for Murder, Torture, and Sodomy

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Blood of the Gods - A True Story!

Vatic Note:  There was a part in here that I wish to clarify.  He asks a bunch of questions about who the offspring of Adam and Eve married to continue the species, and that is a question, we all have asked who study this and research it.  I believe I have as valid an answer as anyone, but you have to go back and reread Genesis.  Here is what I  think and used only deductive reasoning to determine what that is.

Actually  if you read Genesis, there were two creations, it was the second creation where God blew his breath into Adam, and I suspect that was to give man a soul/spirit which the first creation did not have, since in Genesis, it does not say that the first creation God blew his breath into man that he created.  I believe that is why God told the second creation "not to inter-marry with the previous creations".  

I believe that happened because God was not happy with the first results and if we carry that to further consideration, it would be because the first creation had no  soul/spirit and were probably psychopaths, and that is why they have the RH neg factor, but not the compassion and capacity for love that the second creation had.  You have to believe the Bible is done in parables for simpler people that would not have understood what was really going on.  

The first were the ones that preserved their bloodline and why they hate the "real Jews" so much.  I think the second creation were the corrections that solved the problem and maybe even those that enoch described if you take what was written as parables for the ancient astronauts that came down and mated with the daughters of  man.  Could there have been several species of ancient astronauts that did that? Is this why after every revolution that the real Jews and Christians were massacred by these khazars? 

I believe they became the khazars later on, maybe through the line of Esau who then became the "Edomites" of old and turned into the khazars through migration, and its why the khazars hate the "real Jews" and Christians. I hope this makes some sense, if we remember that Enoch told us about all this.  

It may also explain why the flood was used to cleanse the earth, but some of the original survived and there was intermarrying which made God mad.  I think that is why Enoch was taken out of the Bible by  those in control, much later and called Apostasy.  How could that be?  

Enoch was so favored by God that God walked with him and took him up into the heavens ALIVE, and he did not have to die to join God, along with a whole town of good people to save them from the flood.  So how could his writings not be of  God?  He was more valid than Constantine of the Nicene conference  who was a pagan and never converted to Christianity or Judaism.   

Well, you read and decide for yourselves.  I am sure my theory needs some tweeking, but I think its essentially right on, based on those writings in Genesis and Enoch.  In any case, this, below,  was a fascinating write up and triggered a creative event within my brain cells. lol  

Blood of the Gods,  Part 2
Interesting article by the late Mabel Royce, Copyright 1976
Found at: http://www.labyrinthina.com/sitchen.htm                                                          
Are you an Rh Negative blood type? If so you could be a descendant of the ancient astronauts themselves!

About a year and a half ago my sister Bonnie and I were discussing some of the unusual characteristics of our family. Bonnie had a problem with infants haemolytic disease. 

She has 0 negative blood. She has written a book including this problem called "The Deux" by Venus Thaddeus. One of the questions we asked was why does this haemolytic disease occur? 

Why, along with the Rh negative blood does our family have such a high IQ (135-140 average). Why so many psychic experiences? Why this urge to ask "why?"   Why the early maturity or the large head and eyes? Why have, we always felt we were "different" from other people. And so many other things to set us apart.

We were raised in the church, but we never received answers to the questions we asked. Why doesn't anyone else ask these same questions? We are not satisfied with the answer "just because". Are there others out there who ask the same questions? Then we heard about the possibility of the ancient astronauts and the pieces started to fall into place.

For the past decade many people have been working to prove that the earth has been visited by extraterrestrial beings. Who are these visitors? Why did they come? Why did they leave? Did they leave?

If earth was visited in the ancient past, are there any descendants of these visitors? If all mankind are not descendants of these visitors, which ones are? Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their seed blessed? Why were they told not to inter-marry with other people and to circumcise their sons for identification? Why were they told to preserve their geneology? Where did Adam and Eve's sons go to get their wives, if they were the only "humans" on earth?

Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. They have much proof to back up their theories, including modern blood analysis and comparative studies between modern man and lower anthripoids, such as the chimpanzee and the Rhesus monkey.

It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.

In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had except in the case of mutation. We can have any of numerous combination of traits inherited from all our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less. 

Therefore, if man and ape evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more exactitude than any other characteristic. It would seem that modern man and rhesus monkey may have had a common ancestor sometime in the ancient past. 

All other earthly primates also have this Rh factor. But this leaves out the people who are Rh negative. If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of the ancient astronauts?

All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in humans if all humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. 

Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This same problem does occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species.

No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most, familiar with blood factors, admit that these people must at least be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.

How to Double Your Brain Power!- (Part 2)

Vatic Note:   I have to tell you that this is so very true.  Greg Braden wrote a great book that got me started down this path.  It was called "THE HEALING POWER OF BELIEF".   Greg is a scientist turned spiritualist and he combines both in his writings.   It changes the view of this work when you include science and he does.

I had a lump, a big one, in my breast and I remembered years ago, my grandmother use to always say "Mind over matter" and tell me how we can change things with our mind.   I have since learned that included the heart or our emotions in doing so.  Prayer has proven to work for the same reason.  Because we believe it works and we are then rewarded with the results of that effort. 

To continue,  I went to the doctor and got a mammeogram and was told I needed a biopsy to determine if it was malignant, which the doctor felt certain that it was given its size.  I did not want them cutting me up, so I asked how much time could I wait and decide before it would be too late?  They said I could probably take a couple of months, so I did and used what my grandmother told me.   I imaged a sword and pictured in my mind, whenever I was on automatic like taking a shower or driving my car,  me battling that lump with my fictious sword and I would literally picture me doing battle and telling that lump to take a hike.

A couple of months later, I returned to the doctors and had a new mammogram done so they could determine where to put the knife to get a piece of it out.  I sat in that waiting room after the mammogram for an hour and a half wondering what the heck was going  on since I wanted to leave.   The girl came out and apologized for the wait, and said she had to call the radiologist and my doctor since the pictures showed that the lump was gone. 

That sealed it for me.... there is a reason that elderly people who grew up with no TV, no IPOD's, no technology,  came to believe in "Mind over Matter".  Since they had nothing to distract them electronically or otherwise,  they developed a relationship with themselves, their minds, their hearts and their morality.   Because of that they "created" their own reality and learned to believe there was nothing they could not do because of "MIND OVER MATTER".

I know that was true for my grandmother and she passed that on to us.  So keep an open mind during this series and get the most out of it you can.  YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN.   Its how I started this blog and made a commitment to never, ever give up and so far we are all still here, well beyond their planned take over which was suppose to happen in 2009.... it didn't and not a single nuke false flag.

Hmmmm.... lets all focus on the bad guys disappearing from the planet.   See if it works.  Since its a big job and they have their rituals,  it might take a bit longer, but at least we are doing something about it.  We always have other options if it doesn't work.  That is why we have nothing to lose.  lol

Part 2 of "How to Double Your Brain Power"
Published by

A simple way of using the most powerful gift God gave us...OUR MIND! Everyone has Genius sleeping within them, this video shows you how to wake it up.

Brian Tracy (The Author of this Amazing video!) is one of America's leading authorities on the enhancement of personal effectiveness, the development of human potential, and the art of salesmanship. A dynamic and entertaining speaker, he has motivated and inspired thousands of people toward peak performance and high achievement.

His seminars on leadership, goals, motivation, time management, and success psychology draw capacity audiences. Check out his website www.briantracy.com


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Beware : A new confidence trick to control the world‏‎ : "OPPT – One People’s Public Trust"

Vatic Note:  Thanks, Boldarn from Australia for the heads up on this one.  It does have the ring to it of Soros, since he uses "Trusts" to hide his evil acts.  I keep thinking of his "Lucis Trust" housed at the UN.  Its a Luciferian trust.  I do not know who has really started the OPPT, but I am commenting on who it sounds like might be involved.

One obvious point is that this is controversial. The one that bothered me with this was the title of land and how its to be treated..... you won't have ownership, rather custodial responsibility for the land you pay for that you don't own and they tell you how you will care for it.   Sounds like Communism to me, dressed up in a different gown. Rothschild/Soros are definitely tied into this.  Communism is the fast track to fascism.  

In one sense, this could be a good sign.  Who ever has done it, might be giving up on the One World Order, which would mean we have been successful in ending that charade.   We just have to keep uncovering them as they appear. 

Beware : A new confidence trick to control the world‏‎ : "OPPT – One People’s Public Trust"
by AL Whitney, Editor of Anticorruption Society, February 23, 2013 

(C) copyright 2013 - Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and the AntiCorruption Society is acknowledged

One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) has recently been presented to a relatively small – but well informed – group as the “perfected superior trust”.

All those involved (as participants and as observers) are concerned with the growing effort by the Global Elite Scum of the Earth to create a one world government (OWG), with themselves in charge, of course.

Lots of good people are hopeful that this trust would put a stop to this rapidly advancing fascist one world government plan.

Here is the Press Release regarding the One People’s Public Trust

On 2-15-13 one of the OPPT trustees, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf explained this recently established trust that supposedly encompasses the entire planet, including all life and all land, to Max Igan in a roundtable discussion. This discussion was recorded and shared with many (thousands?) of people.
This recording is just a little over an hour and can be heard here: roundtable discussion

The following are direct quotes of Heather Tucci during this interview:

“UCC [Uniform Commercial Code] is involved with every aspect of life.”

Heather (38:19) “In fact all of the Land Titles – cause those are all sitting at BIS for the Vatican – all of those land titles were actually cancelled all across the globe. So right now the banks have no standing legal or lawful. Everything is held with Earth as its superior custodian Because it’s as source, God, Allah or Yahweh, what ever you want to call it has put it. So right now there is only three custodians and that is how the land titles are actually going to be changed.   

Instead of ownership it is actually going to be a co-custodian type of situation where if I want to go buy a piece of land I’m not purchasing ownership of the land I’m putting down earnest money, a bond, that I’m going to take care of that piece of land in harmony with Earth and how it grows itself naturally. 

So there is a big shift in perception. So people will still be able to have their experiences on their properties and be responsible for the properties But as the same time it is not going to be in a slavery type of system which the powers that were had created.”

Heather (40:21) 

“I would also like to disclose the person that helped me understand what all that was, was actually a trustee with the Rothschild’s family holdings.”

Not Heather, but another promoter (44:45)

“Everyone is assigned equal value under the concept of the CVAC, so there is no rich or poor there are just equitable humans.”  (VN: Oh, my goodness, deep controlling, just like the NWO folks, but with a different mask. Your efforts will be treated equally to those who do nothing..... like the bankers and elite.... useless feeders who will reap the benefits of this system. All slaves will be treated the same. LOL  Now try to tell me this isn't communism?  This is definitely an offshoot of the NWO group)

“There’s gotta be a value for value exchange.”
Heather (46:34) . . . to have that opportunity for all of the opportunities all the data to be put on one table and let people chose as they want to BE.
You get out of the system what you put into it. If you’re not putting any value into the system than you have no right to take any value from the system.”


The single most important fact that Heather revealed was the participation of an individual representing a certain family’s trust. Heather admitted that the Rothschild’s helped her set this up. Let me repeat, HEATHER ADMITS THE ROTHSCHILDS HELPED HER SET UP THIS TRUST!  (VN:  Soros works for Rothschild.... hah, I knew it.)

She also admitted she negotiated with banksters. Heather blames all of the problems on planet Earth on the corporate “system”, not on Rothschild’s satanic criminal central banking cartel that has grown out of usery and their ability to create money out of nothing.  (VN: Not only that, it was the bankers that bought the corporations in the system, and set them up in their present condition,  what an insult to our intelligence.  Seriously, those who underestimate their enemies, lose wars.)

Here is a 3 minute explanation of central banking.
It is critical for everyone to understand how private central banking works and how it destroys both populations and governments.  To quote Thomas Jefferson:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

Now, for anyone who is still naive about the “House of Rothschild”, please review the research of Andrew Hitchcock.

This ‘dynasty’ is the wealthiest family on the planet. They have multiple estates and have been manipulating the entire planet via their control of currency and credit. They are members of a kabbalistic Sabbatean Jewish cult (VN: Pagan "KHAZAR" Satanists) that has been destroying legitimate governments for centuries. Some refer to them as TheMoneyMasters, but The Money Monsters is far more appropriate.

They have instigated many wars to advance their personal agenda to own/control the entire planet. To help set up an Earth Trust – that they could manipulate/control – would be their dream come true. Let’s face it, a trust that would remove their own personal holdings to be shared with mankind is something they would NEVER support. In fact they would likely kill lots of folks (including the OPPT Trustees) to prevent that from happening.

Of note, during this discussion not one word was said about the restoration of ‘de jure’ – aka representative – government that could provide the people with honest currency. In fact, the promoters of this trust seem to believe that the UCC runs the ‘planet’ and that we must do away with all governments because they are merely corporations. As most of us are aware, this is very much the goal of the OWG banking cartel and it represents really twisted thinking.

The Original Europeans, Rh- Factor & The Neolithic Settlements of Ireland

Vatic Note:   There are levels of history and this below is just one level after the ancient levels had occurred.  Stitchen is  the man who introduced us to where it all began.  This level is the migratory level and much happened during that time that forced those of an RH neg basis, to adapt to their surrounding environs and make due with what they had.   In that process, the differences between positive and negative got lost and the knowledge also got lost.

We had to go from scratch in addressing the medical aspects of the blood group RH neg and RH pos.... What I have always wondered "Was the Library at Alexandria" burned intentionally to hide the secrets that we now know existed at the time and the knowledge that went along with it?   I suspect so.... but I do not know that for sure.  Nothing else explains the willingness to destroy the only written record that could tell us so very much but did not due to that destruction.

So whatever history we have about European migrations and origins is simply being done by deduction made up of bits of verified information of past migrations, movements and advances of those in question.  This below goes a long way in bringing that issue to the forefront of our history.   Please read and enjoy the scholarly treatment of this subject. 

The Original Europeans, Rh- Factor & The Neolithic Settlements of Ireland
Written By: MikeMcNamara8, RH Negative Registry 
The original Europeans who carried the rhesus negative blood factor 35 000 years ago are probably the original Europeans who painted the comic strips and other art in the caves of southern France and northern Spain which includes the Chauvet-Pont-d' Arc cave and the Lascaux cave paintings found in the Pyrennes.

The rhesus negative blood factor is a recessive phenotype while the O rhesus positive factor is a dominant phenotype. Black wavy hair, brown eyes, copper to brown tanned oily skin are dominant phenotypes which the men who drew these cave paintings most likely possessed. The women most likely possessed dominant features as well but probably had hazel eyes and slightly lighter skin which may have been less oily. These women were probably the carriers of the O positive blood factor.

35 000 years ago the men of southern France and the Basque region hunted the wild bison, wooly rhinocerus, horse, and mammoth where they lived in tepees with the women and not in the painted caves according to popular belief. The women would have gathered wild fruits, seeds, and berries where they brought them back to thier campsite. 

They probably spent most of their time in those dark tepees and only occasionaly did they most likely wander out of thier tepees to collect the fruit of the plains. The reason being for this is that after menstruation and child birth, they needed protection from the cold and other weather elements to raise and feed thier children. 

This is probably where the women, over thousands of years, obtained the recessive genotypes like lighter skin and hazel eyes, although not necessarily the dominate phenotype of the O+ blood factor which they most likely picked up 5-6000 years earlier when they ventured out of Siberia on thier way to northern and southern Europe.
It is positively sure that a few of the O rhesus positive women joined the O rhesus negative tribe, but a lot of the women travelling to southern Europe just below the Swiss alps likely still had the O rhesus negative factor while those travelling north of the glaciated Swiss alps likely had the O rhesus positive factor. This may explain why a lot of Spanish and Italians presently have dark hair as opposed to the Germans and French who have lighter complexions and blond or blonde hair.

Modern humans (H.s.sapiens) were present in western Europe by 35 000 B.C. During the final glaciation they occupied the area south of the major ice sheets, including both Spain and southern Britain. This Late Palaeolithic population is thought to have been relatively open with regard to mating networks, and mutations could have circulated among the founder populations of Spain and the British Isles.

Indeed, during the maximum glaciation at around 18 000 BC, south-west Europe may have served as a refuge area for Palaeolithic populations where the shift in the thermal gradient enhanced offshore fishing on the Cantabrian coast. It is about this time that probably some of the big game such as bison, wooly rhinocerus, and mammoth would have been hunted to extinction while the lions who hunted these prey became extinct also. The hunters then probably turned to horses and the giant irish deer for food.

12,000 years ago the giant irish deer which these hunters hunted in southern France were becoming scarce and these hunters knew this. These giant irish reindeer likely stayed close to the ice-capped mountains of the Pyrennes and when the weather got warmer, they headed toward the glaciated mountain caps of the Swiss alps. The warm period came to an end about 11 000 years ago and a mini ice age followed lasting some centuries, during which the still present glaciers recovered some of thier lost ground. The famous Irish archaeologist Michael O'Kelly wrote:

"In the Post-glacial Stage which commenced about 10,300 years ago the climate again began to improve and thus began the present warm stage' in which we now live".